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How did I come to this?!

I have been working for other people in the hospitality industry for many years now. I started working when I turned seventeen and never looked back. I always wanted to go to university but as the years went by it became a distant thought in the back of my mind. (Not saying that I will never try and go but for now its not on my radar)

Now I do like working in this industry and love making sure everyone I meet enjoy their experience but I always knew that I wanted to be my own boss and I wanted a job I could do from anywhere. But again this was something I put in the back of my head as I didn't think it could be a reality.

I am now trying to make this a legitimate business istant, a new concept of working remotely and being your own boss. This was a brand new idea but I thought to myself there is no way I could do this, it wouldn't work. (This is a thought I am sure so many people have had)

I just wish I realised that I am the only one holding myself back, so I finally decided to make myself try it and see if it works. So I put some services up on the website Fiverr, and would you believe it someone actually asked me to do some tasks for them. I could not believe it, me out of everyone else they could have chose.

I am now trying to make this a legitimate business slowly but surely I want to be able to say truly I am a Virtual Assistant full time. I know this will take a bit of time but I am hopeful, this is something I know I will enjoy and will take me to the next level professionally.

What I want to say is do not let you stop yourself from doing what you really want to do. I have witnessed myself do it so many times, and when I think about it some people in my life have done it to themselves too. Just go for your dreams, if they don't work out go on to the next dream. Just do not settle and make sure you are happy with all the choices you make in life.

I cannot wait to see where this takes me and maybe one day I will be posting a blog about how I have made it, and I am trying to push someone else into making their dreams come true.

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